Category: Theology

For Systematic Study: God’s Character

I have taken seven theology texts (primarily Systematic Theologies) and found the relevant chapters of those texts for the topic at hand and collected the list of Scripture references from each text. I have then compared the Scripture references to each other to see if I can attempt to find the most relevant passages on the topic at hand. This allows me to then consider which passages are consistently referenced by theologians that are attempting to give a systematic review of Scripture’s teachings on the subject.

The Sorrow of Tomorrow

The Sorrow of Tomorrow My heart is weary. It’s not hard to imagine why. Even those who do not have much place for faith can look around our country and point to any number of different issues causing sorrow and pain. Something is wrong with our world. I heard tonight of a story of a […]

3 Reasons for Gospel Centered Counseling

There’s Cognitive-behavior therapy, behavior-modification, narrative-therapy, and a rather long list of other types of counseling theories. Why then is Gospel Centered Counseling something worth advocating? Isn’t it just another way of helping people like all the others? 1. Gospel Centered Counseling is THE Counseling Theory When God created man and we experienced our first problem […]

Obergefell v. Hodges and The Gospel

Obergefell v. Hodges and The Gospel The internet is ablaze right now. Everyone is weighing in on the SCOTUS’s ruling on Obergefell v. Hodges. Some are responding in joyous celebration. Others are saddened, but unphased. While another group is proclaiming gloom and doom. But what does the Gospel have to say about it? Man God […]